Thursday, January 12, 2017

I am...Hope Villines

I am…

Small town, lots of family, and back roads in Arkansas
Younger sister, with an older sister that keeps me in line
Four-wheeler rides with my grandpa and cousins
Summer days spent at my grandparents pool
Dinner with my family around the little round table after a long day
Endless talks with my mom that never seem to end
Waffles for breakfast every morning
Sweet tea no matter what time of day it is
Cleanliness and tidiness, everything is always in its place
Dramatic, but sensitive at times
Always laughing at myself and joking
Late night car rides with my best friends that have no destination
Countless summer sleepovers with my best friend and pool days to follow
Calling the hogs every college football season
Shopping trips to Fayetteville with my mom and sister
Restless nights when I can’t sleep and my thoughts take over
Early mornings when I never feel like talking first thing when my feet hit the floor
Church on Sunday mornings and lunch with the family to follow
Over sized t-shirts, messy hair, and birkenstocks
Country music blaring, windows down on a summer day
Old journals i kept of myself
Five years old again riding on my dad’s lap in the pick-up truck
Early Saturday morning trips to Lowe’s with my dad
I am me.


  1. In LOVE with over sized t-shirts!!!!

  2. I used to always ride on my dads lap when I was little! He'd let me steer the truck

  3. I can relate to cleanliness and tidiness. I try to keep everything organized and in order.

  4. I love sweat tea and oversized tea shirts too!

  5. I too have old journals I like to read sometimes!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Hope! I can relate to always joking and laughing at myself, as well as being dramatic and sensitive. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Oh yes, Hope: sweet tea all day erryday! : ) I can just picture you and Grace and your mom living it up in Fayetteville, shopping and cheering for U of A. You're lucky to have such a close and open bond with your mother--she is going to really miss you when you leave for college, isn't she? Thanks for sharing all these sweet details here. XO
